Power Hour

A one-hour session with an eCommerce and Shopify platform expert.

Ever wished you could just ask someone all your questions about Shopify, and how you should set up your eCommerce site? That’s what we’re offering. Whether you’re wondering how you should prepare for Black Friday, or which apps would make sense for your business, we can help.

What the call could include.


Usually, clients come to us with a problem. Maybe they’re wondering how they can improve conversions on their site, what should be on their homepage, or what integrations they need.

We can use the hour to chat through the issue and guide you through how you can work through it.


If you’ve got a list of questions, this is likely the one for you. Maybe you want to add links to your navigation, know how to install apps and know how to set up new collections.

We can take you through all of these tasks, and screenshare, so you’ve got the confidence to complete them yourself next time.


How soon can I book a Power Hour?
I'm in XXX, can we make a time work?
Can I record the Power Hour?
When do I pay for the session?

Ready to find out more?

Download our services guide for more details about what’s included and pricing information.

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